FSC™ C127234


欧洲椴木 英文名 Lime 或者Linden, 学名:Tilla Europeae;是大叶椴和小叶椴的天然杂交种,属英国最高的阔叶树,树高可达45米。 叶为宽卵形至圆形,长宽均为10厘米,基部心形,先端为钝短尖形,边缘有粗齿,叶上面暗绿色,下面颜色较淡,叶下面脉腋处有丛毛。树皮灰褐色,有浅裂缝。 花小,淡黄色,有5片花瓣,芳香,每10朵花成一束,每束花都有淡绿色苞片,仲夏开花。 果实为卵形,

English name of European basswood lime or Linden, scientific name: Tilla europeae; It is a natural hybrid of Tilia amurensis and Tilia amurensis. It is the highest broad-leaved tree in Britain, with a height of up to 45 meters.

The leaves are wide ovate to round, 10 cm long and 10 cm wide, heart-shaped at the base, blunt short pointed at the apex, thick teeth at the edge, dark green above the leaves, light color below, and tufts of hair at the vein axils below the leaves. The bark is grayish brown with shallow cracks.

The flowers are small, light yellow, with 5 petals and fragrant. Every 10 flowers form a bunch. Each bunch of flowers has light green bracts and blooms in midsummer.

The fruit is oval, woody and grayish green. Tilia amurensis was gradually replaced by Tilia Crimea due to aphids caused by continuous budding and dripping honey from the tree base.

European basswood, with light yellowish brown core, light sapwood color and air dry density of about 0.42-0.56g/cm3

欧洲椴木 英文名 Lime 或者Linden, 学名:Tilla Europeae;是大叶椴和小叶椴的天然杂交种,属英国最高的阔叶树,树高可达45米。


