FSC™ C127234

2021 Earth Hour- Greatwood Practice

2021-03-27 21:10:59 98

Earth Hour Hour is a global energy-saving activity proposed by WWF to deal with global climate change. It advocates that at 20:30 p.m. local time on the last Saturday of March every year (Earth Hour 2021 is 20:30 p.m. on March 27), household and business users turn off unnecessary lights and power consuming products for one hour, so as to show their response to climate change The support of urbanization action. The climate change caused by excessive carbon dioxide emissions has greatly threatened the survival of human beings on the earth. Therefore, the public can only reduce the impact of this threat on the world by changing the global public's attitude towards carbon dioxide emissions.

Greatwood Holdings Limited

Earth Hour 2020 is at 8:30 p.m. on March 28, when biodiversity is gradually fading away, the future of human health and prosperity will also be threatened. Let's work together to protect biodiversity and speak for the earth. Many places around the world have participated in the "Earth Hour" environmental protection activities by turning off the lights, etc., and jointly expressed their determination to take care of the earth's home. In the context of novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic worldwide,

The 2020 campaign highlights the characteristics of "digitalization" and the importance of protecting nature.

Earth hour in 2021 will start at 8:30 pm on March 27

We respond to the call for global employees to turn off the lights for an hour.

Greatwood Holdings Limited
